BudgetingPersonal Finance

Useful Tips for Managing Expenses

If you are reading this article, you probably one of those which do not manage to manage expenses properly. Now, depending on everyone’s condition, there are two factors that lead to that:

  • Your income is low and can’t cover all the things you need to buy
  • You have a decent income, but you do not manage to spend your money in an intelligent way.

This article will try to help those of you which find themselves in the second category. We will write another material in which we will discuss about increasing income, but let’s now focus on ways to optimize expenses. We’ll give you some useful tips which will help to spend money in a more efficient way, so you won’t find yourself on the negative at the end of the month.

Tip #1 Record all the monthly expenses

Before you start to make a strategy for managing expenses you need to have a track record of your current expenses. So, for the first month try to draw a picture of your personal budget and expenses. Note every expense that you make, without exception. You need to understand how you are spending your money, so this first step is crucial.

Tip #2 Organize expenses by categories

After you have the list of expenses you need to organize them in a series of important categories. Some of them might be:

-food and drinks



-traveling etc.

It depends on each one, there is no fixed way to do it. This step will help you see on a percentage basis, how much are you spending on each category.

Tip #3 Make a budget for each category

If you are not managing to handle your salary, you need to preset a fixed amount of money which you can spend in the span of a moth. Discipline is highly important here, as you will see yourself tempted to spend as you did before.

However, if you want to manage your money properly and be able to plan an extra vacation in a few month, you need to make sure you are handling your expenses properly right now.

Meta description: Managing expenses is tricky sometimes. Find out more about how you could do it easily in the fresh material.